Friday, September 14, 2007

The Dichotomy Of Being Me...

When I was just coming of age, I dated a Catholic girl with big breasts and the uncanny ability to have more than ten orgasms at a sitting… (In fact, I remember her chastising me through happy tears one night after I triumphantly called out the number 16! to the Gods of teen--age lust and new experiences…)

Her father was a victim of polio and unarguably the best lawyer in town. I used to say he was “a man in which his tie hung crooked when he walked, but whose moral compass was dead on…”

Or something to that effect.

He had the distorted body of a polio victim.

And the intellect of a great man.

I worked much, on his house, and did work for him on his assortment of rental houses he owned. His daughter and I used one of his rental houses for debauchery quite often, back in those days.

The thing about him that I remember most, was the debates he used to have at dinner with his wife and daughter, and the debates were centered around and focused mainly on-- ME.

You see, I was a bit of an enigma to this family. I worked with my hands. I loved working with my hands. I got dirty. I sweat and stank. I crawled around on my belly beneath their house. I got covered in paint and caulking and whatnot.

And I could hold my own in a debate…

So the debate they had was-- WAS SCOTT SMART?

I met J in an English summer school college class, so she heard me crawl up the professors nose a time or two. Her claim was that yes, I had some smarts, but that I preferred the physical life and so it didn’t show all that much.

Her father felt like my “mechanical brain” was stronger than my intellectual brain, or else I would have chosen a more suitable field…

J’s mother just thought me to be the funniest boy she had ever met. I could make that woman cry with laughter if she let me. And quite often, she did.

J had a younger sister who thought I was a prick and an asshole.

So that was heart-warming and sobering simultaneously.

The point of all this recollecting, is that I was culling through You-Tube videos the last few nights and found part of me completely attracted to intellectual debate, while another part of me just wanted to watch stand-up comedy.

This reminded me of J and her family.

I remembered the night I shouted out 16!

I remembered the night I made her mother laugh so hard, she blew a jalapeno pepper up into her nose and out onto her plate.

I remembered the great words of wisdom her father gave me two days before he died.

He said- “Scott. You have a great outlook on life. You make people glad to be alive. Don’t trade that in for anything.”


BoggyWoggy said...

I absolutely LOVED this story! Well-done, fellow Oregonian!
Are you part of Well, you should be! :)

JamieSmitten said...

I'd say you were a tasty chunk of practical with a gooey layer of smart ass, covering a sweet intellectual center. And possibly some sprinkles. For the record, MY record is 13. But now I know that he just didn't try hard enough.

kario said...

I'm with him. Don't change a thing. I love a guy who is physical and intellectual at the same time. And if he can appreciate raunchy, blue collar comedy that's a tad (or more) inappropriate, all the better. I met my hubby in college where we debated constantly in philosophy class. He grew up on a cattle ranch in Oregon (total redneck). Perfect mix as far as I'm concerned. Love the dichotomy!

Jeannie said...

Not sure which I wish I could be: you or J.

To be seen as multifaceted or able to have muliple orgasms...hmmm

I have always thought that a man who was good with his hands had to be smart. Guess I learned this from my Dad who was a genius in so many areas and never neglected a physical job because it might be beneath him - all work done well indicated your worth and a good job showed intelligence. And being female was no excuse not to learn. The father sounds like a bit of a pompous ass.

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to imagine what it's like to inhale a jalapeno pepper.A substitute for the multiple orgasms? But to turn to the question at hand, how can my husband be good with his hands, of great intellect and yet too stupid to shut a single f**king cupboard door around the house?? said...

I'll have to agree with the "crooked old man," you do have that knack! Thanks.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a wonderful man, and wonderful memories.

itisthelittlethings said...

Great story, Scott. You, like me, love tripping down memory lane and reviving the more memorable characters.
Excellent advice he gave you, and I see you followed it well.

skinnylittleblonde said...

Loved this story Scott & somehow or another I am sure all of J's family were correct, in one aspect or another.
As for one working with their hands being less smart than one who works with their mind...I dunno about that. My cousin married a neuro-surgeon, he's very intellectual & works with his hands. he breaks sweat & gets just as dirty as the rest of us, lol, he just makes better money ;)