Saturday, July 28, 2007

I'm Good...

The only time I ever fell ill with depression I told y'all about. I figured out over time that a man is still human. We feel, and those feelings need to flow somewhere.

By my ignorant guestimation, I was lettng the sadness of life IN, as a young man, and never letting it back OUT. Over time, it crushed me like a balloon taken to the bottom of the sea.

There was an event involving a dog, back then too, that made me slide down the contours of a wall and sit on my ass and just cry and cry and sob and weep...

Every hurt I had ever tried to suck up for someone else came ejecting out. Every sad thing I ever knew about, got tossed back up. The sadness in strangers. The sadness in living until death. The sadness we inflict upon one another. It all came pouring out of me and I let it. It was the end, for me, of a year and more long depression. It was the release I was looking for, all locked up for a lifetime and cut loose like those crazy people and those Spanish bulls...

I cried and cried for over two hours. It all came out of me in one long moment I'll always remember.

After that day, I pretty much cry everyday. A song will touch me. A thought about a friend or an animal. I think about the little things that set off my family from other families and I cry.

Watching my dog Tuti wag her tail used to make me cry.

Sometimes I know I am quite the sight, a big hairy dude with streams of tears flowing down his cheeks, little child sobs blubbering out unimpeded from a mouth surrounded by graying facial hair.

I stopped caring who saw me long ago, and I learned what made me happy and content in this world.

I enjoy the feeling of being able to feel. To feel ALL of the emotions. To be angry when angry. Sad when sad. I've become a bottle without a lid. Tip me just a little bit and I start emptying out into the world.

All of this to say, I want to thank ALL OF YOU who left me such kind messages and hugs and words of sympathy lately. The lot of you have truly made me cry, many times over.

But you know what?

I like crying. I really do. Life IS sad, sometimes, and to truly live you have to feel what life is.

Y'all have allowed me to feel sad and to feel grateful that there are people who-just by reading some of my words- truly care.

Life is good, even when it gets hard for a time.


Many of you may have run through all of these "Britain's Got Talent" clips already. There are some really touching moments. This guy touched me in some of my softer spots. He sings about loss in a wonderful way. Check him out.

And if you really want to see what you are made of, I dare you to watch Connie without tearing up just a little.

To all of you who left comments that I didn't respond to, I just wanted to say thanks again.

In my sadness, I am still happy and doing fine in this life.

I'm good.


Shrink Wrapped Scream said...


Cheesy said...

Have a peaceful weekend Scoot... I'll send warm waves later this morning.... and a virtual hug!

Jeannie said...


Jean said...

There should be so many more like you. Stay well.

kario said...

Scott, you rock! If I had sons, I'd definitely make them read your blog. I love the mixture of irreverent humor and willingness to embrace life with all it's thorns you have! Rock on, dude!

Sweeti said...

I feel like I just got a therapy session, Thank you.
I feel your sadness.
I cry for no good reason sometimes too. I hope your feeling better.

Tammie Jean said...

My eyes can well up quite easily sometimes... my beautiful daughter can do it to me, my dogs, my husband... sometimes a flock of birds taking off into the rising sun as I'm driving down the highway. You're right - it's good to feel emotion and be able to express it.

These two video clips were killer! I feel all mushy and squishy now...

singleton said...

Crying is good for the soul, I hope, because you got me going. Peace, my friend.

skinnylittleblonde said...

Wow...real is the man who allows himself to shed a tear...something he was nurtured as a little one to never do. Even bigger is the man who acknowledges it, values it & respects it. It is a sign of life, of awareness, of love. Like rain, in the summertime, it's very much needed to keep everything growing. P&L

Dogbait said...

You have a way with words, my lad!

Nuri said...

"I enjoy the feeling of being able to feel. To feel ALL of the emotions. To be angry when angry. Sad when sad."... in other words you dare to live. I used to be scared of that, and cushion my feelings with pills... not good!

CS said...

Damn you for posting those videos.

(years ago my therapist at the time said, "You cry remarkably easily.")

CS said...

And P.S. - I'm so glad to hear you're doing fine in the midst of your grief.

little things said...

I've always been intrigued by people who do not cry.
In the 20 years I've known my ex husband, I've seen him cry twice.
I cry every day.
And I couldn't even watch the second video, I was too busy crying over the first.
You are so special, Scott.
I'm glad I know you.

Unknown said...
