Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Peace, Please. Or I Just Might Wet My Pants...

I inherited much kindness from my Mum, I am sure of that. I really am the guy who steps in when the meek are being picked on and I’ve been known to have picked up a few unwanted meek friends that way. One minute, you are trying to do a kind thing, the next minute, you are trying to figure out how to get this person to step back a few steps out of your life. It’s not easy knowing just how much intercession is a good thing, and it’s not easy possessing the size and physicality that calls you into these affairs to begin with.

I mean, wholly crap. I am a lover not a fighter. Just ask me!

There really is no easy remedy for human affairs.

(That has got to be the understatement of the pages.)

There is no easy way to get humans to agree on things, as long as we don’t.

(That has got to be the most ignore-gnomic thing I’ve written all morning.)

You know that that is all true when we, as humans, can’t even all agree that settling differences of differing viewpoints and conflicting desires by toys, bullets, and bombs is plainly not cool.

So why do we continue to do it? I don’t know, but I say blame it on the other guy. I mean, why not? They are blaming it on us!

From my father I inherited a mean streak. Not a real mean one, just a sort of mean one. Mean as in mischievous. You know, that twinkle in my eye kind of mean, where you look at me and know you’ve just been had, but you have to wait for the hadness to happen to know how it was gonna happen?

Some grandmas would say - “You’ve got the devil in you, dear, sweet, boy…” and they would be spot on.

That kind of mean streak.

I know Pops had it because in almost every picture I have of me as a child I have just wet my pants. Big giant water oval on my crotch. Big smile on my small face as I am usually holding a fish or trying to stand proud like a little man in a big world.

I wet my pants quite often, apparently, according to the pictorial records we have floating around our family.

Turns out, Pops only thought to get the camera out when there was some mischief to be had. “Scotty wet his pants, quick, get the camera!” Normal days and happy days went by completely unrecorded, which I guess is OK in the grander scheme of things.

This is a picture of me holding a catfish caught in a Mississippi farm pond, with my cousin Patrick in the middle and my older brother Steve, holding all of the sun fish we caught. This was one of those rare pictures where I was allowed to change my pants before the picture was taken. Yes, I peed my pants bringing in this monster on my bamboo pole with my little red and white bobber and my little jar of crickets I caught in the yard.

My brother is really angry with me in this picture. I had something he didn’t have. I had caught the big one and everybody was interested in hearing my tale. My cousin can’t quite figure out what all the fuss is about. He’s seen catfish this big before. Lots of ‘em. Heck, he’d caught catfish like that in rain puddles on his way home from school!

I look at this picture and I wonder… Is this where it all starts? All these big toys and bullets and bombs and all the blood? Do we learn to hate by learning to compete? Is it in our predisposition?

Pops wanted me to follow in his footsteps and join the military when I was young. He had spent 14 years in the Air Force, and it had given him a flying career.

I spent one evening watching youths at a Civil Air Patrol meeting trying to learn to live within a hierarchy of organizational ordering, everyone sporting the same silly haircut, trying to become a cohesive unit and I knew I didn’t belong.

“No sir! Not for me!”

My brother Steve felt the same way, much to my father’s disappointment. We just had different drums to beat, that’s all.

My cousin Patrick joined the Navy and is now a Commander and a psychiatrist. He was in the initial invasion of Iraq. He then did a stint in Okinawa, and is now back in Iraq, doing another tour.

Maybe I’ll ask him, if I ever see him again, about where the impulse comes from to shoot bullets and drop bombs? Does it come from the early years, where we learn to compete with one another?

He’s a shrink. Perhaps he’ll know?

As the world gets smaller and smaller and people get more mixed up with one another, I hope we get it all sorted out.


Please GO HERE to see what all this fuss is about-


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

love the banner today scott! peace my friend...

smiles, bee

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Grant Us Peace - "All You Need Is Love"
Sitting On The COUCH For Peace

Molly said...

Impressive peace globe, I really like your banner.

Lizza said...

Great Scott, great post! Told in your inimitable style.

But I hope it isn't true that competition during our early years can lead to war-like behaviour in adulthood.

Stucco said...

So where did Steve end up? Does he blog? Can he corroborate? :)

Mimi Lenox said...

AWESOME BANNER! How'd you do that? Now I'm inspired. Love it and your post! said...

Yes, very interesting post and loved the old pictures.

I'll have to think about your basic theme a while, but I'm not sure I agree.

Oh, Isaac and Ismael may be good examples, but that was more of jealousy wasn't it...not as much competition.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the post. Made me want to go fishing. Peace would be nice, but that's for another day.

Scott from Oregon said...

Hi y'all! Yes peace would be, uh, peaceful, to be sure. Stucco- Steve is not a blogger but he still exists. He's got kids and a mortgage and his hobbies center around cooking and keeping his daughter chaste.

Mushy- I'm not so sure I agree with me either, that's why I wrote this in such an allegorical way...

Thanks all for the banner kudos. I was glad to participate.

kario said...

In my experience, the drive to fight one another comes from us taking ourselves and the actions of others too damn personally. We forget that we are more alike than different - we forget that the world does not revolve around our little selves and that everyone is not out to get us or prove some point about us. You didn't catch the biggest fish to piss your brother off or make him look inferior, you just caught it. Thanks for the food for thought today!

Jean said...

If your cousin has the answer, please share it!

skinnylittleblonde said...

Fighting, to me anyway, has always been about power & control.

Travis Cody said...

I'm cruising by from Mimi's. This is a terrifically introspective post.

Thanks to your cousin for his service.

Happy Peace Globe Day and peace to you!

Mimi Lenox said...

Dude, I was so impressed with your banner I'm going to try to make one this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration.

Annelisa said...

Yeah, I second or third all what's said above... interesting post!

peace to you
now and always

Dona Nobis Pacem
at Words that Flow

Tammie Jean said...

Great post - love the old photos too. And Patrick looks exactly the same in those two pics!

I have no answers, but peace sure would be nice...