Sunday, June 17, 2007

Gotta Love The Madrone--


amusing said...

Wow. The color of the wood is fascinating.

Will have to let the Eldest at it once he gets his Dangerous Boys swiss army knife....

Unknown said...

I love trees, the taller the better. And fallen limbs, especially the big ones, such giant play things from my child-hood. From space crafts, "Warp speed, Mr. Sulu", to Pirate ships, the the possiblities were endless. My father was always planting trees. Fruit trees, box elders, pines, this is what these pictures brought to mind for me. The stately grace and planting of trees.

kario said...

Great photos, Scott! Madrone trees are some of my favorites. Something about the peeling bark appeals to the kid in me, and I love the distinctive red color. Thanks!

Jeannie said...

My brother will pick up interesting bits of wood from his property and make stuff out of it. He loves the grain.

meno said...

Or Arbutus as they are called in Canada. We have a volunteer madrona growing on the beach. I look forward to when it is a old and twisted beauty.

skinnylittleblonde said...

beautiful...i love the different colors & textures.

singleton said...

What is written on the first tree? I swear she's talking to me....

Scott from Oregon said...

Amusing-- Better to start him off with balsa and Pine. Madrone is brutally hard- the best firewood...

just me- I am a bit of a Johhny Apple tree myself. I love saving trees out of ditches where they've sprouted by fate and then planting them safely in people's yards...

jeannie- I love the colors in Madrone. I could walk around the scrub forests here and photograph Madrone for a month...

Meno- Arbutus? Really? That sounds like a Greek philosopher's name, to me...

Thanks Skinny! And I have no idea what is written there. But I am sure you'd love to party with them Singleton... said...

I simply love those shots...thanks for posting them. Wonderful.

LadyBronco said...

You have a great eye for composition, Scott.

Cheesy said...

Yummy shots dear...

Anonymous said...

referring to a previous post: glad you discovered Catherine Tate! Am I bovvered?? Surely you would have seen Ricky Gervais in "Night at the Museum?"

Anonymous said...

Loving all these pics.

little things said...

I am loving your images. What type of camera do you have? My daughter just dropped and broke I need to replace.

Scott from Oregon said...

Hi y'all! Thanks for liking the pics of the wood!

IT's The Little Things-

Canon power shot S3 IS

300 bucks ready to go, with a nice 38-438 zoom on it. It takes better pitures than I do.

Tammie Jean said...

These are fantastic photos Scott! I'm so glad you got that new camera :)

CS said...

Beautiful wood - much like crepe myrtle. I used to live on Madrone Avenue asa kid on California (I know that's neither here not there but I felt compelled to say it anyway.) I also especiallly like the refelcted tree branch below.