Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Few More Images From My Walking Around The Lake


Rachelle said...

Hi Scott! Followed you through Shrink.
I love your photos, very nice :))
I laughed out loud at the 'anal butt puckering' remark on Singleton's site, I had to see the guy that wrote that!

mist1 said...

Love that first photo.

Where I live now, we don't have any natural lakes. Our shallow, manmade lakes are perfect for mud westling and wallowing like hippos.

singleton said...

Scott.....great pics! A good walk around those waters should do the fanny wrinkles good!

Jean said...

'scuse me... is there ANYTHING you don't do well? (all but the last)

and, if you have not been here yet , his life stories are exceptionally well told.

Cheesy said...


meno said...

Can that be the same lake in the completely still picture of the log and in the wind-ruffled picture of the boat.

These are beautiful.

LadyBronco said...

Scott ~

You take beautiful pictures.

Schmoopie said...

I love the first picture. I want to print a copy and put it on our wall.

Anonymous said...

More nice photos. Isn't digital fun.

Bernita said...

You have a genius eye.

amusing said...

I don't have DSL but it was worth the dull dial up wait for these.

I love dandelions.
Pucker up and blow!
What did you wish for?

Unknown said...

I could sit on that bank for hours and dream great dreams, and eventually find something to poke with a stick. Beautiful.

Scott from Oregon said...

Hi rachelle and mist1, thanks for stopping by... Thanks to the rest of y'all too. I don't know if I'd encourage me, I got like stacks of photos I'll start posting like grandma and her pictures of her grandkids and dogs. Every notice that even the backside of either is worthy of showing to the world?

skinnylittleblonde said...

Wow Scott you are quite the photographer!

Dogbait said...


Tammie Jean said...

Another great set of photos...