Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Canine Invasion

My sister has been up visiting with her FOUR DOGS. She is an animal lover queen and has the dog shop in Santa Rosa I've mentioned before.
She's polite enough to bring along her own house, which is pretty cool.
Mum's peace has been broken by all the ruckus, but she enjoys it.
Her defense is to throw balls at the dogs all afternoon.
So I've been a bit busy.


kario said...
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kario said...

I love the last photo of your mother with the Chuck-It. She looks as though she's just about had it with those dogs. What a classic!

meno said...

beautiful dog pictures. Do you enjoy it? said...

I have one of those things...had too when the shoulders starting going!

Love the effect in the dog shots...I use that a lot too for personal shots.

Jeannie said...

Is your sister's tent trailer big enough for 4 dogs? The pics are cool - how do you get the background smeared? And your Mom looks like a Viking warrior princess!

Scott from Oregon said...

Thanks Kario!!!

Hi Meno- Enjoy the dogs? We took seven dogs to the river and swam all afternoon yesterday. They are all well behaved and well trained, so yeah... I enjoy it.

Hi mushy- I have to be careful I don't "chuck it" over the fence when I use it. I think it is one of the best inventions I've ever seen, I mean, talk about filling a need! My sister has a sling shot as well, that sends tennis balls really flying.

jeannie- I did these real quick by simply using a photo program with a smear button.

Unknown said...

Beautiful dogs and beautiful pictures. I must say your mum looks very determined with that ball chucker thingy. Looks like she's aiming for the next county. You take good pictures, Scott from Oregon.

singleton said...

scott, you know maybe you should do portraits for your sisters customers....those shots of your dogs are just beautiful...
they capture spirit....
and energy..
and peace...
You should think about it!

Cheesy said...

My daughter out here in NC has one of those chuckers.. I HAVE had to climb the fence a few times lol... I guess I'm stronger than I think... and Jagger gets very irate when he can get the ball!

Tammie Jean said...

Love that last shot of your mom - such determination! That's priceless...

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Aw, those mutts are adorable.. and great pic's Scott, you have a great eye!

CS said...

Did your Mom have a part in Braveheart?