Thursday, June 21, 2007

Almost Back To Your Regular Scheduled Program...

Gone, are the pitter-patter of little feet.


LadyBronco said...

Third picture from top - wow.

That is my favorite!
Scott, you take beautiful pictures.

meno said...

Happy feet. I love dogs.

kario said...

Awww, canine heaven! Love it.

Bernita said...

Paw prints on one's heart.

Cheesy said...

Oh man the pic of all the furfaces together is priceless! Are wenzel and tuti all sad and lonely now?

Tammie Jean said...

That's a lot of puppies!!! Cute pics :)

Scott from Oregon said...

Cheesy- Our two cats are the happiest!

Seven dogs is ok in small amounts, but even I can't go too many days with that many strays all in your lap panting and trying to kiss you...

My dogs had some issues with other dogs occupying their favorite places, as well.

And then of course, the neighbor dogs wanted to bark at all the commotion over here, and then the neighbors next to them wanted to get in on it...

Down the street, there is a kennel that raises African dogs of some sort, and when the barking chain reaches them, watch out world...

Sweeti said...

My dogs want to know what kind of treats you were feeding to get all of those dogs in one picture?
They think they're missing out. hehe said...

Love my doggy too...nothing like them to make you feel special!

amusing said...

Oh, god, I love the feet.
Has anyone in the world ever thought to do a photo essay on dog feet? And yet -- fabulous!

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Oh, action shots! These pics have wrapped a smile around my heart, thanks for sharing!