Friday, June 22, 2007

ATTENTION: All Camera Toting Dog Lovers...

As I've mentioned before, my sister owns and operates a boutique dog store in Santa Rosa, California called My Dog Bakery. She carries all sorts of dog treats and dog costumes and unbreakable dog toys and possesses a deep love and understanding of dogs. Yes, she is a bit of a dog whisperer, though she tends to shout more than whisper, and her business is skimming along just barely floating above water with her overhead and the construction projects that the city started around her shop.

So, I'm helping her get a website up to sell some of her stuff online. And I figured I'd put it out there that we're looking for unusual or cute or funny dog pics to scatter around her pages to help decorate.

So... if you are a digital camera person with a mutt or two... use my email and send me what you think might fly...

They may not all make her website, but they'll cetainly make mine...


Anonymous said...

Hey, Dog Man, come get your button! You earned it. And could probably make a better one than me, but hey.

meno said...

A dog bakery? I would say "only in California" but we have one here too.

Stucco said...

You get many better pictures of our pups than I can manage with ours. Ours don't hold still long enough to not blur, even at a high shutter speed...

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Great photos! Please post your sister's contact info when the website is up. Thank you.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

I don't think I could take anything better than the shots you already have, but I'll have a rummage and see what I can dig up..

Unknown said...

Now, look what you've done? I'll be out looking for a dog now to go with my two cats, who perch on the back of the sofa and hiss at the poor thing for days! See how you are? Beautiful dogs. Let me see if I can find any pictures. But, as Carol said, yours are way better than mine.

Scott from Oregon said...

Hi y'all! I am going to just use heads and chests of different dogs so you don't have to have great backgrounds... I'll erase those out...

CS said...

I'll send one of the greyhound, if I can find one. There's even a dog bakery in Knoxville - I guess that's a growing market. I like the little dog feet - I found myself taking a bunch of kangaroo feet photos the past winter - hands, but not quite.

Schmoopie said...

We are interested in any toys that are supposed to be indestructable. Sal has destroyed every toy we've bought for him. He has incredibly powerful jaws. He's chewed his Nylabones to nubs as well! Let us know which toys are best!

Scott from Oregon said...

Hi schmoopie- I will ask my sister about that one.

Tammie Jean said...

Hi Scott! I'm playing catch-up tonight, reading back through your posts. I'll definitely send some doggie pics!