Sunday, June 21, 2009

I Just Tossed My PC Out The Window...



Shrinky said...

Jeez, that poor kid - with a mum like that, little wonder he turns to food for comfort!

Jeannie said...

I just don't know what to say.

Anonymous said...

That is the sort of thing that makes me not watch those "funniest home video" shows - because they are often someone laughing while someone else is hurt. If that's his mother, he'll be looking for my help some day.

writtenwyrdd said...

Mean humor makes me so angry. I seriously want to hurt that laughing idiot on the left.

Cheesy said...

Big or thin... you HAVE to laugh at the first time you hear your kiddo say the F word! said...

Life is funny no matter what shape it comes in!

Shirley said...

Yeah, maybe it is mean to laugh but I'm afraid I'd have been laughing too. I somehow doubt that this episode will cause long lasting problems for the kid. Once safely on the ground I imagine he saw the humor in it too. Who knows, it might have been his idea to go on the ride in the first place and that might have added to the laughter of his companion.

Scott from Oregon said...

Whoever wrote the "fat people blah blah lah was an asshole, but the PREDICAMENT this poor kid found himself in was side splitting hysterical.

I'm thinking he was the center of attention for the rest of the day as he recounted how he got caught up in such an odd situation...