Thursday, September 06, 2007

Darwin Awards, Puppies, China, And Long Lost Daughters...

Life is still happening to me, and I am still happening to it. This morning I almost made it on to the Darwin Awards simply because I like my coffee. I was heading into work in the wee hours and as I started to leave in my two-doored Saturn, I realized that I had left my cup of coffee on the roof. Rather than get out and grab it, I tried to open the door and lean out and feel around above my head for the metal cup.

The Saturn has automatic seatbelts that “THWAP” close around you when you get in and close the door. When you open the door, the seatbelt slides along its track toward the front of the car and out of your way.

SO THERE I WAS, my head and one arm sticking out of the open door, and the seatbelt slid forward and trapped my one arm and my head forward, as well. I couldn’t make it let go of me unless I closed the door, but to do that, I had to get my head and arm out of the way.

“And this is how the world ends”, I thought. “Not with a bang, but a whimper.”

My sister first owned this car and I remember the first ride I ever took in it. She kept talking about how the car had a “man catcher” and I kept wondering what the bejesus she was talking about. I got in the car and “THWAP!” the seatbelt snapped around me.

“See! A man catcher!!”

And this morning I was really, truly caught.

Yesterday morning on my way to work, in the middle of a true “back-road”, there was this little puppy sitting in the middle of the road all full of burrs and wet fur from running around in the wet grass. He was nowhere near any houses, and he was very young without a collar. I pulled up and scooped him out of the road and took him to work with me and brought him home and let him pee on my carpet and sleep in my bed, and both this morning and this afternoon I looked for any signs out there in the world that someone ws missing him.

I fear he was “dumped”, and can’t believe anybody is that ugly.

I call him “Waldo” and he comes to “Where’s Waldo?” already. He has a thing for my fuzzy Oregonian boots. He doesn’t care for me, but he follows my boots around like they were his Momma and his Poppa.

My first name for him was “Notmydog!” and I still think I need to find his parents or a home for him. He is very smart for a puppy and well-behaved and happy and friendly. Anybody want a little spotted boy dog?

*****SIGH***** I’m not ready to take on a puppy and all the responsibility of teaching him what not to chew up and where not to poop and pee…

Some days I think Carpentry is beneath me. I mean, I think I could be doing more with my brain. Then I have a “Doh!” moment and realize the incredible diversity and sophistication of the people I encounter while working.

The guy we are building a radio shack for is a helicopter pilot. He flies during fires and does some logging operations and construction projects, as well. He just got back from China where his company is being asked to provide choppers and pilots to teach the Chinese how to operate without killing themselves. I spent lunch today feeding Waldo meat scraps and chatting about our various experiences in mainland China.

The guy who hires me got a phone call the other night that woke him up.


“Is this Bruce D.?”

“This may sound really strange and out of the blue, but I think you are my father.”

“No shit…??”

And so it went. Bruce had a daughter when he was in college with a young hippy girl in LA. The baby was born at home and so there never was any birth certificate issued. The mother and the girl left Bruce (Mum was flaky) and now, 31 years later, Bruce has a daughter and a son-in-law and grandkids.

He was very happy about the whole thing.

20 years ago, he had tried and failed to find her himself.

This was a google moment, to be sure.


meno said...

Out of the mist, a puppy comes.

Out of the past, a daughter.

Thank you for picking up that little dog. I mean this truly; i hope whomever dumped him rots in hell.

Anonymous said...

Waldo is a perfect name for your new dog! And don't they say people never find a dog, dogs find their people?

I'm happy for Bruce D. and his newfound family. Congratulations, Bruce D!

Cheesy said...

I have a 20 and 2 tostadas that says you are Waldo's new Daddy! ^5 to Bruce... he didn't have to try and survive the dating years... ahhhh family nuttin' like it... [on my way to see a large group of them... my new mantra...]

Lynnea said...

When you started with life is still happening to me I read over it without deep comprehension. At the end of this post I realized that one sentence encompasses so much. It is happening to you and there you are in the middle of families being formed, rescues, travel stories. I wonder how often so many of us don't realize how much we are in the middle of. Thanks Scott, that was a really beautiful post.

Jeannie said...

Sounds like Tuti told Waldo just where to be to find a soft heart. I know just how you feel about the whole new puppy business. But, like you, if I found a stray I'd probably take it in. Thing is - there are no strays around here. I haven't even seen a mutt in over 20 years.

Nice that the guy was happy his daughter made contact - and that he had tried to find her himself long ago. Makes for a nice happy ending or new beginning.

amusing said...

Sounds like Jeannie needs a puppy...

Bruce's experience happened to Hippy Guy too! He and his love with the long blonde hair quit the music scene on the west coast and moved to Mexico. After working for some guy who hired hiim to scuba duffel bags of pot a mile off the coast to a waiting boat, Hippy Guy and the Girl decided to get out of town before the police caught on and busted them all.

They went to the mountains and stayed in an old stone hotel. The old woman who worked at the place adored the young couple and every morning at breakfast would ask them what they wanted for dinner.

Life was good in the valley -- with hills so steep that to work the fields the men tied ropes to the rails on the side of the road and lowered themselves down.

One day Hippy guy needed to go into town for awhile. He kissed his love with the long blonde hair good bye and set off.

When he got home that night she was gone. Some said she'd been stolen and sold into white slave trade. Some that she'd been raped and her body left in the jungle. The old lady wanted to believe that she'd fallen in love with a local boy and they'd run off together.

Hippy guy was devastated and there is a long and amazing story about his journeys afterward. But the end of this particular story is that she was pregnant. She'd called home and the mother said not to tell Hippy Guy, to come home. So she did, thinking they were going to help her. But her dad picked her up at the airport and said they were sending her away. Eventually she had the baby and it was put up for adoption in the UK.

Decades later the love of his life called him at his office out of the blue. She was alive! She'd had a daughter. He's seen them both. He's amazed.

amusing said...

Uh. Can I pretend that instaed of a comment, that's one of those stories you supposedly want us to share?

Nikky said...

I think Waldo is a great name, congrats on your new friend. You can protest all you want, but I really think that Waldo was meant to find you... you're his person... now enjoy it!

Bernita said...

What meno said.
A lovely post.

singleton said...

Wow! Life comes at us fast, and from a million different directions! Ahhhh, little Waldo is a doll, and it looks like you're a Dad again....they somehow know where and when to come out of the woods and into our hearts.... And whoever told you that there's a "good time" to do the puppy thing! Silly guy!
Best wishes for your friend Bruce, and his ever growing circle of love.....Just wonderful!

Dogbait said...

Those seat belts used to amaze me when were in your country. It's a wonder they don't have some mechanism to assist you guys to blink!

Jean said...

hehe... it's been 17 years since I had a puppy around. Now, I have Sparky. He makes me crazy. He makes me tired. I love him.
Waldo is yours and you are his. Because.

...add my vote for 'great post'.

Working Girl said...

What a kind heart you have. Congrats on your new canine. I assume that you freed yourself from the mancatcher? Or are you blogging now from the car?

Unknown said...

Methinks Waldo has a new daddy already. He just doesn't know it yet.

What a wonderful surprise for your friend.

I drove around a parking lot with people pointing at me because I left my purse on top of my car. Did I feel stupid? Uh, yeah...Glad they got my attention though.

Tammie Jean said...

Wow, how exciting that father and daughter have finally found each other. As I learned from my husband's experience with his new brother, found family is wonderful, no matter when it happens.

And what a cute puppy! Yes, life is happening, isn't it?

CS said...

That pup was clearly meant for you to find.