Friday, June 15, 2007

Between Me and You And The Tubes...

I got sucked up into a vortex of sorts in the later 90's and got to know some of these nice folks. I tell you, it was really something floating around on a pool raft when some of these guys/gals started talking about "The Old Days"...

There were a few pretty serious on-stage accidents but the show always went on...

Wanna know who the evil genius and most inspired maniac was in the group?

It was Cotten.

(In case you are wondering, I just discovered You-Tube (We finally got DSL!) I've been taking a bit of a stroll down memory lane,checking out people I used to know... When you are around "celebrities", you learn to recognize and despise name-droppers, and I realize this post is like that so I am changing my ways. Every time I think "I used to know..." I'll chew on a stick of gum...)


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, what was that?

Anonymous said...

They were one bunch of wild performers. I think they were a little before their time.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

I was never a 'gal to kiss and tell, either!

Scott from Oregon said...

THAT, Shirley, was a Bay Area based band that turned concerts into theatre and theatre into concerts.

Scott from Oregon said...

Here is a decent old clip, Shirley, for your edification...

Anonymous said...

I'm star struck so name drop all you want.

singleton said...

well as crazy as it looks now, somehow its very deja-vueish!

little things said...

I was in Hot Topic yesterday with my daughter, standing there amongst the black-denimed and pierced, with my 42 year old blonde hair and mommy self.
I found a tag on the clothing that said Celebrating 25 years of punk and it suddenly hit me that I was once like them, and that many of the bands they celebrate, I actually saw and hung out with back in the day.

Bogie said...

And their shows this last week in SJ & SF were *great*! Catch them if you can -- said...

Way over the top! Must have been a hoot!

Jeannie said...

There are name droppers and then there are name droppers.

I haven't a clue who these guys are.