Thursday, June 07, 2007

June Is National Be Honest Month, Or NABEHOMO...

To be honest, I've been on vacation which makes time and dates irrelevant, which, in turn, means that I missed noticing that June had arrived without a designation.

So, since I am being honest, I thought I'd make June - National Be Honest Month, or NaBeHoMo...

(Please note- I DID NOT say Nappy Homo, so I can keep my blog, right?)

Now go forth and tell it like it is...


Lizza said...

Ooohh, me likey NaBeHoMo.

I can wiggle my ears.

kario said...

I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue. And I love that I can do that. Honest enough?

Cheesy said...

Yes sir... you may keep your blog, In fact you MUST!

I am almost 50 but still feel 25 in my head....gawd thats a painful truth in print.

skinnylittleblonde said...

LOL @ 'NaBeHoMo'
You are crafty!
So what specifically do you want to know the truth about?

Nikky said...

According to Jack Nicholson..."You can't handle the truth". So I will spare you.

LadyBronco said...

Honestly ~

I can't be that honest.


little things said...

I'm not really five feet tall. I'm four eleven and 7/8 or something like that.

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell a lie. --George Washington (and Flat Coke)

Anonymous said...

I do my best to tell the truth. But sometimes my head plays an unreliable narrator.

Tammie Jean said...

Sometimes I drink right out of the jug. Not because I'm too lazy to get a glass - just because I think it's fun.

Scott from Oregon said...

I often grab the roll that collects when I sit and think "Man, I gotta do something about this!"

CS said...

I saw a similar guy with a sign that sid, "Why lie? It's for beer."

I've never lied in my blog, but I sure withhold the truth when I need to. Actually, that's true in my life, also.

Me said...

LOL @ NaBeHoMo

Unknown said...

I love that picture!! I want to meet that guy. Being honest is easy, finding a really good last minute lie is hard to do.