If This Is Sunday, It Must Be Caption Time Jesus...
Well, Sunday has arrived again and I have a photo that needs some captioning. Who will brave the wrath of God or the wrath of that cute little church going lady on the corner to deliver something funny to the masses?
Go on. Be strong. I sell lightning rods out of the trunk of my car for those who think they need one...
Must...break...free! Sheet...slipping...auughhhh!
Don't make Jesus angry! You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...
"Jesus Christ! He broke another one!"
The movie Arnold doesn't want you to see, where he first made the proclamation "I'll be back!" to a disinterested audience.
Archeologist suspect that this is how Jesus chewed his nails.
Jewish Steroids?
Christ was none to pleased to hear Pontius Pilot's council was going to banned steroids...
Jesus, what is best in life?
Jesus: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
lol stucco! Jesus and Conan were seperated at birth
Balsa wood cross: $25
300 gallon econo-keg of bull testicle extract: $6000
The look on their faces when the towel hits the ground: Priceless
Jesus! Look at the size of his muscles!
LOL @ Slag!
Too tired to caption, but have you seen the chocolate Jesus? (And somehow this reminds me of the Paul Thorne song "800 Pound Jesus").
My savior can beat up your savior!
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