Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Make Me Laugh And Make Me Pee Your Bed--

When I was about eight, my friend G was spending the night and Mum had left us (G, my brother Steve and I) in the care of my older sister who preferred hanging out on her queen-sized bed eating sunflower seeds and talking on the phone.

What this meant was that we really were two eight year olds and one nine year old boy left to our own devices.

What THAT meant was that we had free reign to make up our own games, do our own thing, and live our own lives WAY WAY too early in our budding careers.

It meant that we did certain things we shouldn’t have, and did things we shouldn’t tell...

The three of us one night were playing a game called “Make Me Laugh”. The rules were simple. Two of us sat straight-faced on the bed and the third tried to do something funny to make the other two at least crack a smile. Bad jokes were tried. The wee wee wag was tried. Making fart noises with the armpits was attempted.

Nothing seemed to be working. I started. G got a turn. Then my brother got up and he had a not so brilliant idea that worked brilliantly.

G and I were sitting on the end of the bed, waiting for some hilarity we knew we could NOT laugh at. My brother pulled out his wee wee like G had done. Yeah yeah... That one again...

No. Not that one.

My brother started peeing on my bed.

A big, looping stream. That muffled sound of liquid pouring onto wool and cotton. Bubbles forming on my blanket temporarily, then fizzing into my mattress.

And of course I grew livid and told him to stop.

And of course G thought it was the funniest thing he’d seen in years and was rolling with laughter on the floor.

My brother had won, and he had won convincingly.

I had only one choice here.

To retaliate.

I ran into my brother’s room and started peeing on HIS bed. From the doorway. Full stream ahead.

My sister still on the phone in her room on her bed, eating sunflower seeds and spitting out the shells into a shoe box.

I was a veritable fountain. I peed with all the vengeance of a boy who had just had his bed peed upon.

I shouldn’t be telling you any of this.

I think I took an oath or something.


none said...

You guys were a competetive bunch.

Lizza said...

What a weird game. :-D Did your parents ever find out you peed on each other's beds?

Cheesy said...

OMG Eight year olds do the wee wee dance? I thought only grown men did that as they got out of the shower?

Thanks for sharing... we won't tell on ya...

kario said...

At this moment I am so glad I have two daughters! The worst they've done to each other so far is cut each other's hair (which was disaster enough, thank you).

Bernita said...

You were pissed off, huh?

Jeannie said...

Boys are so stupid. I remember my brother and his friends peeing on anything and everything - having pee wars - one kid peed on me!

Boys are stupid.

I wonder what idiot stuff my boys did.

Funny though - your poor mom - give her a kiss today and say sorry

Lynnea said...

You see, when I was 8 I was convinced that boys were gross and dumb. I was absolutely right!

Scott from Oregon said...

Yeah Maggie... all... Eight was not my brightest year.

Anonymous said...

Oh god no...no you shouldn't tell us this...some of us have twin boys...oh god.... ;-)

Scott from Oregon said...

Lizza-- they never knew. Nancy Pants. The more you don't know, the more you'll be able to look them in the eye as adults and admire them.

Tammie Jean said...

Oh that is just hilarious!!! I would have laughed too, even now.
(and then I would have to become stern and you both would have been on laundry duty, but I'd still be laughing inside).

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should get into the XXX pissing videos.

Anonymous said...

And to think I raised four sons (one daughter thrown in for good measure) without a clue that they would/could do such things. There are some things us Mom's shouldn't know until the kids finally have kids of their own.

A really good laugh, Scott.

Anonymous said...

Too damn funny Scott. I'm pretty sure my sister and I cut the hair off each other's Barbie dolls, and I think after that was when my sister grabbed the butcher knife from the kitchen and chased both her friend and myself around the house for fun and entertainment (hers). Thank gawd we couldn't aim our pee at each other's bed. We shared a bedroom in those early years and there were many months worth of individual days where one of us drew a line down the middle of the carpet in masking tape. Its hard to believe neither of us had any serious, lasting injuries. Probably would have if my Dad had found out how bad we were.

Thanks for the chuckle.