Back On ITM Where GW Quoted Two Optimistic Iraqi Men (Omar and Mohammed) Who Just Want What We Have And Don't Appreciate Very Much
ITM is a bit of a blogging phenomenon. Iraq The Model. Originally three brothers and now written by two, the blog has carried on daily since the beginning of the war. I started reading ITM as the first thing I ever did/read/participated in on the internet.
My blog title "Aeleope" actually comes from the feeling that if one immersed themselves in war and political discourse about war, one forgot that life actually existed under many different manifestations. War strips us of our humanity and it often overshadows the simplest of things like humor. You don't think about when you were eight and peed on your brother's bed while you are thinking about war. War is like a terminal illness in your family. You know it is there even when you try and play a game of Dominoes with your nephew or neice...
I actually started writing Aeleope as a way to purge myself of my entanglement with the emotions of war, and the no-win arguments that people were attempting to win ABOUT this war.
"Anecdotal Evidence Life Exists On Planet Earth."
Everybody, I suppose, has a reason for starting and maintaining a blog. For me, it was simply to reaffirm life and display life and remind myself and others that life indeed, is not all about War and Iraq. Life can be about silly things like riding motorcycles in your underwear and games of "smear the queer".
My blog title "Aeleope" actually comes from the feeling that if one immersed themselves in war and political discourse about war, one forgot that life actually existed under many different manifestations. War strips us of our humanity and it often overshadows the simplest of things like humor. You don't think about when you were eight and peed on your brother's bed while you are thinking about war. War is like a terminal illness in your family. You know it is there even when you try and play a game of Dominoes with your nephew or neice...
I actually started writing Aeleope as a way to purge myself of my entanglement with the emotions of war, and the no-win arguments that people were attempting to win ABOUT this war.
"Anecdotal Evidence Life Exists On Planet Earth."
Everybody, I suppose, has a reason for starting and maintaining a blog. For me, it was simply to reaffirm life and display life and remind myself and others that life indeed, is not all about War and Iraq. Life can be about silly things like riding motorcycles in your underwear and games of "smear the queer".
Trying to comprehend something as unfathonable as killing enmasse to underscore your point can stop making life "life" and mutate it into something evil and very much unlike life. The whole killing nonsense turns life into death.
Ever notice that?
I was going to change my banner again tonight. I looked at "Ruin Nation" and asked myself why I had made it, and what point was it trying to illustrate?
I asked myself if I had made that point and I realized that I actually had not.
One of the reasons Political wranglings on the internet seem counterproductive and a waste of time, is because the internet political arena is filling up with people who want to see the world a certain way, and then want to blame that world on others. "The Left" is whining. "The Right" is whining. America has become an odd assortment of whiners who keep pointing their fingers across the aisle. It's an untenable cacaphony that reminds me of other less peaceful places with more violent disharmony, and variant outcomes.
If I were to have one major beef with the quality of America in the year 2007, it is that it has discarded rationality and reason for less noble first Amendment expressions like Rosy O's "We blew up our own buildings" to GW's "Us or them" wee wee wagging. I mean, come on people... take a deep breath and a look around. Do some mind stretches and pretend you are going to actually get a grade in your use of logic and rationality. And if you find yourself using "those people" or "you people" in your thinking, then you know you have fallen off the thinking-horse and should be kicked in the head.
(The rest of this is a cut and paste directly from ITM comments, an argument I culled and quoted, and my two cents (still worth a nickel!).)
I was going to change my banner again tonight. I looked at "Ruin Nation" and asked myself why I had made it, and what point was it trying to illustrate?
I asked myself if I had made that point and I realized that I actually had not.
One of the reasons Political wranglings on the internet seem counterproductive and a waste of time, is because the internet political arena is filling up with people who want to see the world a certain way, and then want to blame that world on others. "The Left" is whining. "The Right" is whining. America has become an odd assortment of whiners who keep pointing their fingers across the aisle. It's an untenable cacaphony that reminds me of other less peaceful places with more violent disharmony, and variant outcomes.
If I were to have one major beef with the quality of America in the year 2007, it is that it has discarded rationality and reason for less noble first Amendment expressions like Rosy O's "We blew up our own buildings" to GW's "Us or them" wee wee wagging. I mean, come on people... take a deep breath and a look around. Do some mind stretches and pretend you are going to actually get a grade in your use of logic and rationality. And if you find yourself using "those people" or "you people" in your thinking, then you know you have fallen off the thinking-horse and should be kicked in the head.
(The rest of this is a cut and paste directly from ITM comments, an argument I culled and quoted, and my two cents (still worth a nickel!).)
The comment quote--
"""There are those who react with dissappointment, disbelief, or anger, when they learn of Iraqis in Iraq who are optimistic about the future of their country.... It is truly unfortunate and sad that they can't get past their BDR (Bush Derangement Syndrom) and join you in that hope for the future. The debate about whether we should have entered Iraq should be behind us. We should be focused on our current responsibility to perservere and see this through to stability. Because if we abandon the Iraqi people (as most Democrats in Congress, most of our broken main stream media, and many Americans whose misinformed opinions result from our broken media, would like), we will:
"1.) Likely see a true genocide occur, as McCain stated.
2.) Will end up re-engaged in the region in a few years anyway, likely in a much bigger conflict.
3.) Will further embolden Islamic terrorists who have previously cited the examples of our retreats in Vietnam, Somalia and Beirut (Al Qaeda declaration of war on Americans 1996) as "evidence" that we can be defeated if challenged. (A retreat in Iraq would validate that perspective).
4.) Will dishoner the sacrifice of Coalition and Iraqi soldiers who have fought and died side-by-side in this struggle for a liberal democracy in the M.E."''
--Running for the waters--
"""There are those who react with dissappointment, disbelief, or anger, when they learn of Iraqis in Iraq who are optimistic about the future of their country.... It is truly unfortunate and sad that they can't get past their BDR (Bush Derangement Syndrom) and join you in that hope for the future. The debate about whether we should have entered Iraq should be behind us. We should be focused on our current responsibility to perservere and see this through to stability. Because if we abandon the Iraqi people (as most Democrats in Congress, most of our broken main stream media, and many Americans whose misinformed opinions result from our broken media, would like), we will:
"1.) Likely see a true genocide occur, as McCain stated.
2.) Will end up re-engaged in the region in a few years anyway, likely in a much bigger conflict.
3.) Will further embolden Islamic terrorists who have previously cited the examples of our retreats in Vietnam, Somalia and Beirut (Al Qaeda declaration of war on Americans 1996) as "evidence" that we can be defeated if challenged. (A retreat in Iraq would validate that perspective).
4.) Will dishoner the sacrifice of Coalition and Iraqi soldiers who have fought and died side-by-side in this struggle for a liberal democracy in the M.E."''
--Running for the waters--
My comment directed at the argument still being argued a year after I stopped reading--
"Congrats boys (M&O)on getting old diehard G.W. Bush's mention on the airwaves...
The leftist nutters will swarm and then go back to their hives and shake a bunch, for sure.
The rightwingnutjobberdoos that collect here will continue to make silly asses of themselves with their great proclamations of God and Country...
What won't be discussed much is the fact that ya'll have all lost a sense of logic in these proceedings.
Something about collecting in a choir makes ya'll resonate with the same lameness and lack of honesty.
Even the brothers have been afflicted with this tone, and it shows.
Running Waters argues that if Ameericans leave Iraq, there will be a huge bloodbath. (At least by his above statements, which I think he was quoting).
One wonders if Omar and Mohammed believe this to be the case?
One wonders if our resident nutjobberdoodooheads believe this to be the case?
What is interesting about this is that this condition did not exist six months after the over throw of Saddam. It exists now... Hmmmm...
You mean there are sufficient "terrorists" now in Iraq to cause a bloodbath that were not there in '03?
Or is the fear now that Iraqis themselves will turn on each other and make blood in their own Iraqi bath?
So which is it?
Terrorists who have "joined in" since the mission was accomplished, or Iraqi on Iraqi violence that Americans are paying through the nose to try and stifle?
If it is an increase in AQ types, I say shame on Iraq for letting this occur. Did this occur in Holland? In Jakarta? In Calcutta? Peru?
Nope. It happened in Iraq. Who ALLOWED it? Well... I'm gonna take a wild stab at an answer here... Iraqis?
And if the answer in your view is the second answer, that Iraqi on Iraqi violence is why we should leave, then what is all this silly talk of terrorists?
These aren't terrorists. These are religionists who kill for differences in faith and history. These are factionalists who kill for faction divisions. Tribalists, who kill in the name of a tribe. Throw in some Nationalists who kill Americans with home made bombs because they don't like the way they look at their sister with those sunglasses, and you've got yourself a problem that is so far removed from "The war on terrorism" it ain't even funny.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY there is no American war here anymore.
That war is three years over.
All there is is a country full of sickness that is refusing to take responsibility for its own sickness, and leaving American soldiers in the middle of it and spending a fortune to do so is just plain absurd.
The argument needs to be-- Is Iraq going to embrace what they've been given, or are we all going to argue these silly dust devils of ridiculousness around and around until they simply drop their garbage over the hill? " --Scott from Oregon--
My my my. Even I would argue with me if I weren't me arguing with all those who aren't me...
Tomorrow is another day and another banner.
Life does exists on planet earth.
I think I'm sure of it.
"Congrats boys (M&O)on getting old diehard G.W. Bush's mention on the airwaves...
The leftist nutters will swarm and then go back to their hives and shake a bunch, for sure.
The rightwingnutjobberdoos that collect here will continue to make silly asses of themselves with their great proclamations of God and Country...
What won't be discussed much is the fact that ya'll have all lost a sense of logic in these proceedings.
Something about collecting in a choir makes ya'll resonate with the same lameness and lack of honesty.
Even the brothers have been afflicted with this tone, and it shows.
Running Waters argues that if Ameericans leave Iraq, there will be a huge bloodbath. (At least by his above statements, which I think he was quoting).
One wonders if Omar and Mohammed believe this to be the case?
One wonders if our resident nutjobberdoodooheads believe this to be the case?
What is interesting about this is that this condition did not exist six months after the over throw of Saddam. It exists now... Hmmmm...
You mean there are sufficient "terrorists" now in Iraq to cause a bloodbath that were not there in '03?
Or is the fear now that Iraqis themselves will turn on each other and make blood in their own Iraqi bath?
So which is it?
Terrorists who have "joined in" since the mission was accomplished, or Iraqi on Iraqi violence that Americans are paying through the nose to try and stifle?
If it is an increase in AQ types, I say shame on Iraq for letting this occur. Did this occur in Holland? In Jakarta? In Calcutta? Peru?
Nope. It happened in Iraq. Who ALLOWED it? Well... I'm gonna take a wild stab at an answer here... Iraqis?
And if the answer in your view is the second answer, that Iraqi on Iraqi violence is why we should leave, then what is all this silly talk of terrorists?
These aren't terrorists. These are religionists who kill for differences in faith and history. These are factionalists who kill for faction divisions. Tribalists, who kill in the name of a tribe. Throw in some Nationalists who kill Americans with home made bombs because they don't like the way they look at their sister with those sunglasses, and you've got yourself a problem that is so far removed from "The war on terrorism" it ain't even funny.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY there is no American war here anymore.
That war is three years over.
All there is is a country full of sickness that is refusing to take responsibility for its own sickness, and leaving American soldiers in the middle of it and spending a fortune to do so is just plain absurd.
The argument needs to be-- Is Iraq going to embrace what they've been given, or are we all going to argue these silly dust devils of ridiculousness around and around until they simply drop their garbage over the hill? " --Scott from Oregon--
My my my. Even I would argue with me if I weren't me arguing with all those who aren't me...
Tomorrow is another day and another banner.
Life does exists on planet earth.
I think I'm sure of it.
Yes life outside of this fk'd up war does exist, and I am glad I can live it. Lets bring our kids home so they can too.....
Hey! Logic and reason will get you nowhere. The bloated corpse of intelligent discourse and the rotting remains of respectful disagreement have left a huge stinking mess that nobody wants to clean up. I think this is all a phase though. Stupidity can only sustain itself so long before Darwinian forces settle the issue. Signs of the shift are already becoming apparent but it will take a while.
This is why I like to be Canadian. To be honest, I never paid much attention at the beginning of this yet another war that the Americans have gotten themselves into. I did think it kind of odd to fight "terrorism" with the military. I'd figure that would be something you'd fight undercover or using other tactics - like organized crime. But then, I have no clue anyway. I suppose Britain had to bring in troops to deal with the IRA.
I, too, originally became an Internet junkie because of politics. I'm a lefty in Oklahoma and was dying to talk with people who had similar feelings. I was having a horrible time dealing with all the negative emotions from this war.
But then, I got all twisted up in pointless discussions, realized people are too busy being cruel, pointing fingers and making little sense and I ended up backing away from both parties.
Politics make people ugly. I still follow along in some places, but things like message boards are out for me. I get all twisted up and it interferes with my work. (g)
The war is something I feel we have to think about, but I agree that life goes on and we have to pay attention to the little things as well as the big things we expience day to day. I think the comments on ITM shows what happens when we get our minds stuck on one side of an issue, whether it's the war, global warming or whatever. The other day I was asked if I thought we should leave Iraq or stay. As hard as I tried I couldn't come up with any easy answer. Maybe there isn't one. Maybe that's what your blog shows me; there are no easy answers in life.
I tend to worry that those in power are unaware of how inertia works in the real world. It is relatively simple to start something (a war, a new set of initiatives...), but ridiculously difficult to stop it once it's been set in motion. Perhaps if they worried more about whether we could stop what we've just started, we'd think twice about starting them in the first place.
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