Saturday, June 27, 2009

Kate Wolf, Harley Davidson's And Playdo...

SCA was last weekend. This weekend, we've got the big-bellied biker dudes rap-rapping around these quiet neighborhoods on their Harley's...

They've closed the park to us locals, and my dogs are pissed...

Every time I hear them roar past, I think of a scene from one of my all-time favorite silly movies "Cereal", with Martin Mull... (I looked for a You-Tube clip, sorry, there was none).

A San Francisco CEO turns out to be a closet gay biker and gathers his gay bike gang to rescue someone's daughter who has been indoctrinated into a Moonie Cult (typical Marine County scenario). As they roar to the rescue of the girl, "Born To Be Wild" plays loudly while their bikes roar by in a big line, lots of leather and pink and purple adorning each biker...

Well, there is always Netflix...

Kate Wolf Music Festival is this week-end down in a pot growing area of California, a place called Laytonville. I wanted to go but I've got our deck torn apart, Mum to look after, and not as much interests in the line-up for the year as I've had in the past...

Maybe the five hour drive was the final deterrent?

Plus I'm still not allowed any beer...

Mum told me she was having problems pooping (I know, it's what happens when people get old. They have "ailments" that are big deals)...

"Whaddya mean? What's wrong?" I asked her.

"They're not round. I used to poop round poops. These aren't round."

"Well they're supposed to be more like logs, Mom. Not round..."

"No. If you cut across one of them, they aren't round. They are shaped like a half moon. They've been that way for awhile. Maybe my colon has a growth or something, I don't know? It makes one side flat. I think I need a colonoscopy, as much as I hate those..."

"But Momma, the thing that gives them their shape coming out is the sphincter, not the colon. Remember those playdo machines? You put the playdo in and then you set the slide where the playdo comes out to like, stars or moons or flat or round?"

"Yeah. I remember those."

"It doesn't matter what shape the poop is in before it gets to the sphincter. Whatever shape your sphincter is in, is what shape your playdo machine is gonna make. You got a half-moon shaped sphincter for some reason..."

"I suppose you're right... I wonder what causes that?"

"Lazy sphincter muscle on one side, I suppose... One side just figures it's too much trouble to open up. "Hell, I ain't opening up. That sides got it covered!""

"Yeah. That could very well be..."

Later, I asked Mum if she wanted me to teach her another song. She said--


That's because I taught her some Chumbawumba last week and it is still stuck in her head...


Shrinky said...

Only you could put up a post about your dear old ma's bowel movements and get away with it..

I sympathise with your poor mutts having had their park closed off - I know when our road is sealed off, Jake takes it to heart when he can't make it to the beach.

Maybe it's the five hour drive that puts you off?? It sure would me!

Jeannie said...

That was a fun song.

You should teach her:
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
We don't need no water...

She'll never forgive you.

meno said...

Couldn't you just have put some leather chaps on the dogs and said they were part of the run?

secret agent woman said...

Love the spider web photo. The poop discussion, not quite as much!