The Hat- Part 4 (Paused For Minor Surgery)

When you strike a fingernail with a two pound hammer, it bleeds under the nail. If you want it to stop throbbing, you need to let the pressure out. A T-pin heated to red hot and shoved into the nail is how I do this.
Part 4 is still under construction due to two small surgeries I had to perform on myself between big stints of work and some beering with the boys.

In certain parts of Asia, and performed using bamboo, I believe this is called torture? Yikes.
Oh, is there anything quite as magnificent as the framing of a building. I asked the builder -- Hippie Guy -- if he used to just sit there after everyone had gone and take it all in. He seemed amazed that I would somehow know or have a desire to do that (but it may have been a con to ..well, you know.)
It's cathedral-like. Amazing.
Loved the toe shot...
Dr. Scott....Please be more careful! Was this injury DUE to the beering with the boys?? lol
You and Gary could have a go discussing tips on do-it-yourself surgery.
If you're free after this job, I could do with a shed.
p.s. amusing is right - it is quite breath-takingly beautiful
I truly admire people who know how to build something. I love to walk through houses as they are in various stages of construction.
I could have lived without the bleeding finger picture though.
yikes! You weren't kidding!
Get the point?
Beautiful shots of the framework aside...
Yeech! Kinda' graphic, huh? How much did that throb when you were hammering the frame together???
Huh. You brought back memories with this post. I'm familiar with that method of relieving the pain of blood under the nail.
Years ago I managed to slam my car door shut on my finger when my two little boys were asleep in the back seat. It was an awkward position, and I could NOT get my finger out of the door until I banged and banged on the window and my (older) 3-yr-old woke up and opened the door.
Ten hours later, the pressure on my nail was unbearable to the point of making me f***ing crazy. In desperation I called the emergency room at the hospital, and when they told me it would be $80 to walk through the door, I begged them to tell me what I could do that wouldn't cost $80. A very kind nurse told me to not tell anyone that she was telling me what to do, BUT I should sterilize a needle by holding it over a candle, then pierce my nail until the blood came through. After gulping a shot or two of whiskey my roommate had stashed in her cabinet, I found a needle and did exactly what the nurse had recommended. To this day, I'll never forget the relief I felt at that moment.
You've provided a great tip to anyone who has ever experienced a blow to the nail. Maybe you should start weekly tips on how to administer to yourself when you're injured! You might save a lot of people a lot of money.
I once opened the freezer and a frozen rump roast slid out and landed on my big toe.
I screamed. My ex husband laughed.
Two hours later I was about to pull my hair out when I decided to stick a safety pin under the big toe to release the blood.
Like Anne, that release of pressure was so unbelievable.
It felt so good I kept doing it all night. However, I only got the biggest rush the first time...
A man has to do what a man has to do.
Ooooh... that looks like it hurt.
The framing looks cool.
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