Monday, June 11, 2007

Hey Look! I Made A Video! Idn't It Though?

We got hooked up with DSL a week or so back and only this weekend have I delved into the enormous pile of videos and such out in the world for little ol' me to sit on me bum and watch...

I discovered some English talent I didn't even know existed, most notably, a woman named Catherine Tate and a dude named Ricky Gervais.

I then caught up with Billy Conelly, George Carlin, and caught a clip of Richard Pryor high as a kite and being impertinent to a guy trying to interview him.

All of this video out made me want to stick some video in, so I grabbed my camera and the only actors I have available at the moment out here in the country- my dogs- and I made two very short films.

The only trouble is the free software that I used to edit the films doesn't allow you to transfer the edited version anywhere.


I set up my camera again, and this time recorded the video of the video on my monitor.

The result aren't great, but they're pretty darn good, well... for an amatuer doing what I did...

So, if you have DSL and about two minutes to kill, grab some pop corn and check 'em out.


Anonymous said...

It's Oscar time. said...

Dogs have the best fun and it takes so little to entertain them!

Lynnea said...

What Mushy said. Cute dogs. I love that the white dog just kept on going in a straight line (or at least seemingly) and your other dog was all over the place.

meno said...

Cute puppies. What a great trick to get them to basically play fetch with each other.

I felt like the white dog was kind of over-emoting though.

LadyBronco said...

Your dogs are absolutely adorable.

Anonymous said...

The puppies are too cool for school...and the background music is Grammy worthy!!

Cheesy said...

Well 45 mins later I get to comment... First off, I'm jello! DSL? Crap how did you manage that? :o)

LMAO LMAO @ Wenzel! What a goofball...and Tutti just plods along... she is the smart one! Great fun!

Jeannie said...

Ya gotta love a dog!
Wenzel's got quite the game going on in his head.

amusing said...

No DSL here, so no comment on the movie mastery. But somewhere along the way I read a thing that recommended two online videoediting sites. So here they are, for what it's worth: