Wednesday, June 13, 2007

1 Year... HOLY MOLY!!

Yep. I've been dragging this blog through the mud, kicking and screaming, for a year now. And it STILL isn't the blog I had intended to start.


meno said...

This is the second blog i've stopped at today that had this blogiversary.

So Happy Blogiversary BABY!

Jeannie said...

Happy Blogiversary!

I don't know remember why I started - I think I just wanted to bitch anonymously into the blogosphere...I didn't expect anything. I didn't figure anyone would read it.

LadyBronco said...

Wow - one year?
That's pretty cool. :0)

Happy Blogiversary!

BTW ~ if this isn't the blog you had intended at the start, what was your original intention?

Anonymous said...

Happy Bloggybirthday. It's yours, make it what you want.

Cheesy said...

OMG I promise to comment... don't shoot the duck.... WTG boo happy adversary!

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Let's hope it's the first of many years to come - congratulations, Scott!

Anonymous said...

Where did the time go?

Anonymous said...

Blow out the candles, make a wish...

Anonymous said...

Keep going!

Unknown said...

Well, Happy Birthday Blog to you. And for heaven's sake don't stop now. You're just hitting your stride. This is one of my favorite blogs, and it makes me smile and think, which is good for me.

You are a very gifted writer, and I love your photos, and if I were a stalking kind of person you would be right between Vincent D'onfrio and Billy Bob Thornton.
Thats a joke.

kario said...

Are you sure it's only been one year? See how far you've come, grasshopper.

Scott from Oregon said...

LBronco- The blog I wanted to start had more stories coming from y'all...

More of a story-swap around a camp fire blog...

Maybe this year...

Unknown said...

Happy 1 Year! I totally forgot about mine when it came and went. I'm so bad with remembering dates.

Anonymous said...

Scott, your blog has a life of it's own dude. There's not a thing you can do about it either.

Happy Blogoversary!

amusing said...

Hell, your stories are a helluva lot better than anything I've got. I'd end up telling you the stories the Contractor Beau told me. For awhile I was sure he made them all up, but now that I've read some of yours....I think there is just a certain classification of male folk who really live their lives, fall out of trees, rescue damsels, stick eyeballs back in their skulls, live hard/love hard, get rolled along train tracks by speeding locomotives, leaping out the busted window before the truck exploded....

The rest of us read about such folk on their blogs.

Sweeti said...

Happy anniversary Scott, I'd buy you a beer if you lived closer.

My blog is just a few months older than yours and Jeannie (1st Blog friend) was the reason I started writing, She would tell me I should write along with my photos. So if mine stinks it's all her fault. ...and I'm not stopping, I'm addicted now.

Anonymous said...

I think amusing has it just right. But I'll keep racking my brains!