Saturday, May 26, 2007

Where Have All The Bloggers Gone, Long Time Passing?

Bloggers are mysteriously disappearing like gorillas on the beach. Many are leaving no explanations, no fair-thee-well speeches. Just freezing in time, half-way through a thought, a partially explained life...

Perhaps it is the Spring and the sunshine and sex? One can only ponder...


Where was I?

I found a blog written by a 93 old man yesterday, and, sure as my shorts are stained, he too, is on leave for "family concerns." Check out this man's archives, though, truly, and send him your prayers for his longevity.

With all the disappearances of websites comes a blog void that is leaving poor jeannie in a tizzy. Once before, I asked for "recommended links"- what I like to call, YOUR SECRET STASH. If you've discovered a cool website you've been all over, how about sharing it with the rest of us? I'll post them up here, where others can enjoy them.

I finished Draft 2 Chapter 1 of my novel "Sam's Day Off". It is 80 pages long. One third of a tale told. Anybody interested in reading it, email me at and I'll send you a text doc that is openable with Word.

I've got stories lining up in my head that I want to get to and write. I need to get this novel done, though, and the garden has been beckoning. If you haven't read about Jonnie D. yet, may I point you in that direction? It is inflatable kayak weather around here, and there is a lake nearby, and plenty of big bums.

Don't forget to sun your bums, btw, as it is still NaTanYoHinyMo, after all!
Here is the start of the list, two people I think deserve more attention--
Now, what about yours?
Jean recommends--


Stucco said...

"Openable?" I'm still a primate on the beach....

Bernita said...

Burns my wee behind when one finds a fascinating blog and then they bugger off!

Anonymous said...

Way to go with the writing. I always said I'd do a novel, but I really can't be assed these days. It's been a year since I read a book, even!

little things said...

Not only do I miss reading them, I find myself using a lot of time wondering exactly what happened?
They stop blogging, and also stop reading my blog.
I can understand not wanting to lay it out there anymore...but to not even check back on blogs where they were very's troubling!

little things said...

PS I really enjoyed Don to Earth..thanks for pointing us his way...

Cheesy said...

Holding my hand up.. Cheese is present and accounted for/////

Excellent... new blogs to read.
I too have noticed the "dropping like flies" syndrome. I think maybe some of them might have a life {unlike me} lol

And.. I thought I told you not to post the beach bum pic?
hahahha [I wish]

meno said...

You know what i hate even more than disappearing bloggers? Are the ones who keep threatening to quit, only to be revived by the plethora of "Oh no, you can't. You're the best. We'll miss you too much. You're such a good writer. You're so funny." etc. sort of comments. Until they threaten to quit the next time.

Do it or not i say, just say goodbye and end on a high note.

Sorry to get off on that, it's just been bugging me.

My mother always said that i got my freckles from sunbathing behind a screen.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Here's a few great blogs I always enjoy, their words just smash out from their posts and fly round your brain, and if I didn't like them so much, I'd hate them, 'cos I feel so inadequate in comparison!

You may already know of them, if not, check them out. There are LOADS of great blogs still around, you're not looking hard enough me old mucker - I've linked most of my favourites to my site, have a scroll through and see for yourself. Good luck with the book Scott, can you e-mail me what you have got, so far (I'm looking for something good to plagerise). x

Jean said...

The two you listed are now in my favs. Thanks.

If you don't know about 'Ambulance Driver', go there. Awesome writing.
He's on my sidebar.

Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

I'm two thirds through the tale of Sam, quite a ride, my friend!

Scott from Oregon said...

Hi shrink wrap. Two thirds through the first third? You are but a dedicated critic, that you are!

singleton said...

e-mailing you now....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that, Scott.

I have told the hospital to go pound sand THREE TIMES this week...and I'm still going to manage to work full time hours. (Which tells me there is something seriously wrong with my world right now.)

So I'm going to my coffeehouse to read and write.

Thanks for the link.