Friday, April 20, 2007

Blowlog And The Canoers From The Cyber River...

Ever innocently Google up some photographs and then post them on your blog, and then not think anything of it until the guy in the picture shows up and gives you a fine how-do-you-do?

Well, the man goes by the name of one-paddle-junkie and he had this to say, about himself and blowlogs- "Dang - don't I look cute sitting on that log? Remember, it's not a real fire unless you can see it from outer space!"

He belongs to a group of canoers that call themselves the Arkansas Canoe Club and they have conversations here--

Now, so far, they haven't threatened to paddle my behind or leave me up shit creek or even put me in a canoe with three left-handed women...

Which is all a good thing.

I invite all of you canoers to read this story--

and I promise-- in y'all's honor, I will post a story about my one and only time I tried class four white water boogie boarding on the American River starting at Chilibar Bridge (sp?) by midnight tomorrow...

I gotta tell ya. I'm intrigued. Y'all seem like a nice group of folks...


little things said...

Your blog posts are a wonderful trip down memory lane. I feel like I was there, but I wasn't. It's almost like you're reminding me of things that happened to us, years back.
I LOVE white water rafting. Now I hve the fever again.... Except not on a boogie board, of course.
I'll go check out the links now.
Have you been to Arkansas? It's some pretty country.
And you can go mining for diamonds and crystals!

kario said...

I love this! I've often wondered if the photos I "find" on the web will prompt a response from the photographer or subject.

Can't wait to hear the whitewater story. Especially since I know you're still alive, so it has to be great.

PS thanks for the comments about my dad. Spending time with him in Corvallis - yeehaw! Oregon again! Miss it!

CS said...

I've only rafted a couple of times, but I loved it. Once in Costa Rica with sloths hanging in the trees above.

Oh, and I read the croc story. I think "Gaaah" was probably the only reasonable thing to say.