April Is Not The Cruelest Month-- April Is The Coolest Month
In case you aren't as observant as you should be, I just wanted to inform you that I have hereby proclaimed April to be NAGOGROSOMO.
National Go Grow Something Month.
Yes, that means YOU.
Put something in the earth, damnit! And nurture it and sing to it and water it and observe the miracle of nature.
Because you'll live a longer and happier life if you do.
(In other words, I won't send THE SQUAD over for a talk.)
You think I'm kidding, don't you?
It's a good time to put in the morning glories.
I'd have to dig through 7 inches of snow to get to the earth to bury something that would not grow anyway.
I do not have a green thumb, it is black... pure black.
Oh darn. Do I have to? (Asks the woman with 30 basil seedlings, 20 tomato plants, a couple pumpkin vines, watermelon vines, and various and sundry other little plantlings waiting in her basement for the frost to go away.)
All those flowers in my picture got nipped by a sneaky freeze (and I live with a meteorologist!)
Just a few more days...
Nikky, go find a sunny window and grow a bean into a vine. You can do it!
Ok here is the dilema...I could go plant something and save myself from the Scott Squad....
Or I could plant something and be arrested for murder... if I water it and it grows it's a weed... if I water it and it dies... its a flower.
And they don't like it when I plant weeds.....
I just had a whole bunch of clay dug up from my front yard and trucked in twenty yards of soil to replace it. That's a lot of soil! The planting will start in a few days.
There is nothing like digging around in good soil and planting something beautiful to make the whole world suddenly seem better.
That is a basil seedling, isn't it?
Later, my crocus are just blooming, timidly, I might add.
Oh for the lack of snow...
I am anxiously waiting for the day I can dig my fingers into the dirt and leave an earthy smell under my nails. Indoor planting did not go so well, what with toddlers hanging around. But as soon as that damn snow pile leaves my garden, there will be dirt disturbances and seed nurturing!
Yes, it is that time, isn't it? I can see my bulbs are trying to peek through already... I need a little bit warmer weather (we dropped back into the low 40's again) before I can get out there and take care of the garden.
But maybe I'll take your suggestion and start something inside :)
Already planted, and growing, primroses, miniature roses, pansies, tulips, daffodils, lavender, carrots, basil etc. There will be more!!
Can't plant yet but the tulips are coming up. I plant stuff every year. It makes me happy.
Love it!
Planted 7 sprigs of english ivy along my fence line today and one dogwood last week!
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