Monday, February 12, 2007

Keeping An Eye On A Fiesty Mum

The one thing I can say for Mum is that she has a great sense of humor. I told her I wanted to take a photo of her eye and she laughed...

For those of you who think the obvious...

No. I didn't smack my Mum around...

She fell and hit her eye out in the garage, trying to sneak a ciggy...

I sure hope she gets my socks finished, before she keels over...


Nikky said...

Ohh! Scott's mom, that's terrible, I'm so sorry that happened to you! (sneaking a ciggy? I'd scold, but I'm a smoker, not a hypocrit!)
I hope you're icing that eye so it doesn't swell shut!!

Anonymous said...

Ouch! I hope she feels better soon.

Lizza said...

Oh wow. That sure is one nasty black eye. But she actually looks like she's having fun knitting.

Hope her eye gets better soon!

slaghammer said...

Ouch! She appears to be taking it in a defiantly humorous kind of way. There’s a horse liniment called DMSO that will take bruises off quickly, but probably not a good idea to use that close to the eyes. They used to sell it at veterinarian supply stores, not sure where you would get it now.

Jeannie said...

Your poor mom. Funny how when you do something you shouldn't, things like this happen.
Guess she'd rather fight than quit smoking too.

Lynnea said...

Ouch. This accident prone thing runs in the family then.

Scott's Mom - I hope you feel all right.

amusing said...

That's a pretty fuzzy-looking sock she's working on, pal.... Are you sure she isn't knitting you a cat?

Capricorn Cringe said...

You've inspired me, Scott. I'm going to write this on the wall of the next public restroom.

(If I give her the yarn, will she make me one, too?)

Anonymous said...

Damn that looks painful.

Scott, my mother fell a couple of years ago, slipped or tripped on a curb getting into her car. Face first into the dirt. Her eyeglasses made a pretty big gash just below her eyebrow. We took her to the local urgent care office and got her stitched up, doctors said she was otherwise fine and sent her home. Three hours later she started getting confused, didn't know my name or hers, had some sort of mild seizure, and slipped into a coma for a week. Bumps on the head can turn serious. Tell your mum to be more careful damnit.

Anonymous said...

And could you turn on the heat for the poor woman? Unless she's sitting out in the garage where she can knit AND smoke, why is she wearing three layers of clothes and a down jacket?

Stucco said...

I bet no one at the knitting club DARES to cross her. :) Speedy recovery to mumsy.

Anonymous said...

Awwww! Poor mummy! Doesn't look like that feels good at all!

Scott from Oregon said...

To all--

Mum is fine. Her eye looks bad but does not hurt much, unless she presses on it. And why do that if it hurts?

The big worry is that this is the seconf fall down in two weeks.

It worries me.

It happens late at night.

Her legs just give out on her.

And I've got a travel bug in my shorts...

Anonymous said...

Sorry for mum.

Sexy socks, though.

grainofsalt said...

You'd better be nice to her or she might just booby-trap those socks she's making for you to teach you a lesson!

Hope the falls turn out to be nothing.

Anonymous said...

Even with the black eye she's still a good looking woman. I hope the falls are nothing to be concerned about.