Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sunday Morning Caption Time-- Hugs For Kisses?

Sunday is here before I am. It beat me by almost half a day. Either I am getting slow or time is getting sneaky. Time just said "BOO!" to me. I jumped out of my skin.

This photo was taken by a blogger who stops by here sometime. Jordan took this photo at her nursing job, and it struck me both funny and "awwishly". It sure needs a caption, don't you think?

So can you help the little rascal out?


whimsical brainpan said...

I am abstaining because everything I come up with is a really bad bear pun. I figured I'd save you some grief.

Anonymous said...

To Dr. Munford's horror he realizes he has switched the Smith's frozen embryo with one from the local zoo.

Word Doctor said...

(Bouncing off Shirley's post)

Everyone in Jellystone knew Yogi wanted a cub, so all fingers were crossed as Boo Boo went in for In vitro fertilization.

Scott from Oregon said...

The youngest successful escape ever...