Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Google Knows All And Sees All...

When you think about it, GOOGLE is freaky. These are GOOGLE photos of where I grew up. My first through sixth grades took place DOWN THERE, on earth, exactly where the arrow is pointing.

The freakiest thing is, I googled-- Yerba Buena Rd. I DID NOT put my house number in when I googled. GOOGLE put the arrow right on my frickin' house!

Too weird. Too weird...

OK. Enough of the weirdness for a second...

Following this post, will be FIVE stories that use these pictures to help you understand what I am going on about. The first one will be posted tomorrow night. The next four will follow the first post, one after the other. Then I will have posted five, count them, one two three four five stories.

Just like I said...

And you will like all five stories. They will remind you of being a kid. They will make you reminisce. My bet is that you will think of stories of your own, that are not the same, but similar.

MY CHALLENGE to all of you, is to GOOGLE your childhood home and tell FIVE STORIES that are enhanced by this type of GOOGLE magic.

Yes, even you lurkers...

I hate memes because they are hackneyed and stale...

But by golly and by gosh, YOU HAVE ALL BEEN TAGGED!!!!!

Now go GOOGLE!!!


Anonymous said...

Isn't Google a wonderful thing???? (Being sarchastic after what happened to me yesterday)

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna google tonight!

Anonymous said...

Sweet. I love this idea.

Thank you for the woohoohoo. I did indeed say it just before they put on the oxygen mask. Never had a faster recovery.

Unknown said...

Hey, how did you get the pictures from google onto your page? I can't seem to figure out how to save the photos off google.

Scott from Oregon said...

Kathy, I used the PrintScreen button and then pasted that captured image onto a cheap photo image program I have. Then I cropped them a bit and saved.

Another way might be to email yourself the page, and then copy the email?

Anybody else?

Nancy Dancehall. I am so glad you are perky enough for malarky... Yeah!

Blondie. Thanks for the fat meter tip. I saved the site for when I have time (I have a new pewter, you know.)

Flatcoke, I just downloaded GOOGLE EArth. Way cool!

Nikky said...

Ok, so I tried this, AND THEY ARE WRONG!!
They have N. Cross St. running on the south side of town... um, DUH, it's called NORTH Cross St.
But, in their defense, it is a podunk town, a true pimple on the ass of the Earth, so I can't blame them for being off. I was actually surprised they had any photos AT ALL.
I may just google all my relatives addys... feel like Im spying on them!!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is a really great idea. downloading google earth as we speak. on my dsl.

Infinitesimal said...

yeah, a woman in new zealand got sued I think because she was sunbathing topless, and google earth caught her and someone posted her on myspace or some crap.

can you believe it? she was on her own enclosed patio!!!

that's how close they can get people

don't pick your nose with the shades up!

Lizza said...

Neat idea. I'll think about some stories inspired by Google Earth images that I can post.

Unknown said...

So, I got caught in a trap at Lizza´s place?! Fine! This MEME is great fun - thanks a lot for setting this snore =)

My Part #1 is up!

Oh, and I´ve made some changes on my blog - hopefully it´s loading faster for you now! Thanks for the hint!


Donna. W said...

The way I save an image to my computer is to click "file" in the upper left-hand corner, then save to my desktop.